Ein Aufruf des Philosophen Dr. Martin Balluch (Veganer) für die Rechte von Tier-Personen

Sprache:German (Deutsch)

Dr. Martin Balluch is an Austrian physicist and philosopher who has dedicated more than three decades to animal-people rights activism. He co-founded the Austrian Vegan Society and has served as chairman of the Austrian Association Against Animal Factories (VGT) since 2002. Dr. Balluch authored several books which reflect his life philosophy and experiences of speaking up for the voiceless animal-people. Today, we are privileged to have Dr. Balluch with us to share his story. He begins by introducing some of the accomplishments of the Austrian Association Against Animal Factories.

Man darf nicht den Mut verlieren, etwas zu verändern, weil er in der Gesellschaft einfach notwendig ist.
~ Martin Balluch.